Success is the product of daily habits.

High achievers have one thing in common: they are masters of habit. The most successful people build their lives by stacking small, powerful habits that snowball into massive achievements. But how do you stick to those game-changing habits?

"Success is the product of daily habits— not once-in-a-lifetime transformations.” ― James Clear


High achievers have one thing in common: they are masters of habit. The most successful people build their lives by stacking small, powerful habits that snowball into massive achievements. But how do you stick to those game-changing habits? Here's your cheat code: optimize your home environment.

Get ready to supercharge your mornings with these 6 tiny but mighty tweaks to your living space.


  1. Digital Detox: Kickstart your day like a champion by charging your phone outside the bedroom. Get a real alarm clock. When you wake up, resist the urge to scroll. Instead, seize the day with a 5-minute walk outside. Bask in natural sunlight before you even think about touching a screen.

  2. Hydrate: Keep a water bottle by your bed and down it the moment you wake up. Refill it and take it with you to your workspace. Hydration is your brain's rocket fuel. Start your day with a clear, sharp mind ready to conquer challenges.

  3. Move Your Body: Lay out your workout gear the night before. Visualize yourself crushing your morning exercise. Pre-pay for fitness classes to lock in your commitment. Eliminate morning decision fatigue—your past self already set you up for success. It’s go time!

  4. Avoid Processed Snacks: The bliss point—a lethal mix of sugar and salt designed to keep you hooked. Break free from this cycle by leaving those snacks at the store. Instead, stock your home with wholesome, nutritious foods. If you don’t have junk food in your house, you won’t eat it. It’s that simple.

  5. Get Better Sleep: Design a killer nightly routine:

    • Ditch caffeine after 12 PM.

    • Close your blackout shades tight.

    • Cool your room to below 67ºF.

    • Set a "sleep alarm" to signal wind-down time every night.

    • Ban screens one hour before bed and charge your phone in another room. Rest is your secret weapon—get those 8 hours and wake up unstoppable.

  6. Focus on Micro-Moments of Joy: Create a "Little Wins" note on your phone. Every day at lunch, jot down three small joys. Celebrate the micro-moments—a surprise message, an old favorite song, a delightful sip of matcha, a refreshing walk. Gratitude transforms ordinary moments into extraordinary ones.

Your habits change depending on the room you are in and the cues in front of you. — James Clear


The power to change is in your hands. Design your environment to make good habits effortless and bad habits nearly impossible. You are the architect of your own success.

As James Clear says, “Be the designer of your world and not merely the consumer of it.”

Let’s get out there and crush it!

— Oli Oli, The Unplugged


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